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2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. BOS1: Technology and Desirable Capabilities of mmWave PAR for Science Application

Moderators: Stephen Frasier and Jorge Salazar

Place: Auditorium

Through this breakout session interactive discussions, attendees will gain valuable insights into the technological advancements driving mmWave technology  and the potential applications of mmPARs in scientific studies. This breakout session is suitable for researchers, engineers, and scientists interested in the latest developments in radar technology for atmospheric and environmental research. In this session, we assess the current state of mmPAR technology and capabilities  and provide recommendations (roadmap) to advance its Technology Readiness Level (TRL).

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. BOS2: Improving Understanding of Cloud and Precipitation Processes Using mmPARs

Moderators: Pierre Kirstetter and Pavlos Kollias

Place: Redbug Cafe

This breakout session is ideal for researchers, scientists, engineers, and professionals interested in atmospheric science, remote sensing, and climate studies. It offers a unique platform to explore the latest advancements in mmPAR technology and its applications in advancing our understanding of cloud and precipitation processes. Join us to discover how mmPARs are reshaping our view of the atmosphere and driving innovation in atmospheric research.

2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. BOS3: Identifying the Unique Benefits of mmPAR Observations for Boundary Layer, Fire, Mesoscale Meteorology Studies, and Other Potential Applications

Moderators: David Bodine and Scott Salesky

Place: Plains Classroom

Through engaging discussions and presentations, participants will gain valuable insights into how mmWave PAR technology can revolutionize Boundary Layer studies, Fire research, Mesoscale Meteorology, and other scientific endeavors. This session is ideal for researchers, scientists, and professionals seeking to leverage mmWave PAR observations for groundbreaking discoveries and advancements in remote sensing.



  • Stephen Frasier

  • Jorge Salazar


  1. Mike Jones

  2. Dusan Zrnic

  3. Philip Kelly

  4. Andrew Pazmany

  5. Mark Yeary

  6. Raquel Rodriguez Monje

  7. Laurence Kyeik Jeon

  8. Jay McDaniel

  9. Howard Bluestein

  10. Edward Luke

  11. David Schwartzman

  12. Hyeri Kim

  13. Alexander Ryzhkov

  14. Felipe Moncada

  15. Wen-Chau Lee

  16. Joshua Gebaue

  17. Pavlos Kollias

  18. Robert Palmer

  19. Brenda Dolan

  20. William Blake

  21. Eric Loew

  22. Brad Isom

  23. Johan Oblitas

  24. Kristen Rasmussen

  25. Pierre Kirstetter

  26. Rockee Zhang

  27. Aimee Matland-Dixon

  28. Daniel Oberlander

  29. Richard Hodges

  30. Sergio Rodriguez



  • Pierre Kirstetter

  • Pavlos Kollias


  1. Mike Jones

  2. Dusan Zrnic​

  3. Mark Yeary

  4. Raquel Rodriguez Monje

  5. Laurence Kyeik Jeon

  6. David Bodine

  7. Edward Luke

  8. David Schvartzman

  9. Hyeri Kim

  10. Alexander Ryzhkov

  11. Felipe Moncada

  12. Wen-Chau Lee

  13. Jothiram Vivekanandan

  14. Stephen Frasier

  15. Ulrike Romatschke

  16. Tian-You Yu

  17. Robert Palmer

  18. Brenda Dolan

  19. Jorge Salazar

  20. Johan Oblitas

  21. Kristen Rasmussen

  22. Rockee Zhang

  23. Aimee Matland-Dixon



  • David Bodine

  • Scott Salesky


  1. Dusan Zrnic

  2. Edward Luke

  3. Hyeri Kim

  4. Alexander Ryzhkov

  5. Felipe Moncada

  6. Wen-Chau Lee

  7. Joshua Gebauer

  8. Jothiram Vivekanandan

  9. Robert Palmer

  10. James Kurdzo

  11. Brenda Dolan

  12. Robin Tanamachi

  13. Jorge Salazar

  14. Johan Oblitas

  15. Kristen Rasmussen

  16. Pierre Kirstetter

  17. Aimee Matland-Dixon

  18. Brittany Baker

  19. Xuguang Wang

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